Adhyatma pfp
A flap that kill Thousands In 1972, mathematician and meteorologist Edward Norton Lorenz found a very strange pattern from his experiment. the particles attractor in his testing moving chaoticly in a phase that always evolved into unpredictable direction that never repeated -but strangely its never crashing or bump into each other- no matter how hard he tries it to purposedly crash, the attractor kept going and going, creating a trajectory in shape of butterfly wing . Lorenz than tried to understand how something so chaotic can form something so perfectly organized? As a meteoroligst, he conduce a research and previous studies about this kind of pattern in real life case, He remarked if such theory is exist, a flap of a seagull wings is enough to course the weather its day. and he found more suprising things: He propose, that a singla flap of a butterfly, had a signifiicant role of the tornado that wiped out certain area in earth, possibily kill so many humans. althought it didnt meant to, its flap migh…
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