Adhyatma pfp



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Adhyatma pfp
Its okay frens. Trump is alive. Stay bullish!
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Adhyatma pfp
Smile, Ms.Moon.
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Adhyatma pfp
Reality is harsh, so embrace it and live with it, dont try to avoid it. The more you run the more damage you will get in the future. Just accept... Embrace and learn to forgive yourself. You deserve it.
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Adhyatma pfp
The market drawn in blood today, these questions maybe can help you: Do you know what are you buying? What is the thing that make you invest on it? Is it gonna benefit you based on two question above? If you can answer it all then congrats, moment like these arent affecting you abit. The more blood in street, the…
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Adhyatma pfp
Phave for phave lads, come phave my post and i will repay you with phave bonus follow+like ur post. Seems good deal isnt it? 😉
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Adhyatma pfp
Nothingness The photo below was coming from famous Astro-writer Carl Sagan book: A Pale Blue Dot. It was taken from voyager one spacecraft as it exited solar system on 1990. The very little dot, billions miles away is our home. Our world. Just a pale dot. Within this image we can see how insignificant we are, Hu…
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Adhyatma pfp
A man choose. A slave obey. Know what you worth for.
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Adhyatma pfp
New era has begun. Nunggu berhari hari buat lihat berita konfirmasi kalo ini ga bener bener terjadi, but it happens anyway. Deal terkuat yang menjadikan dollar segalanya, resmi berakhir. The de-dollarisation effect soon will impact. And im glad i just learned cryptocurrency just in time.
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Adhyatma pfp
Key takeaway dari memasuki dunia investasi, apapun instrumenya selalu sama: - Kenali -Pahami -baru beli. Kalo di kripto, kamu paham dgn barang yang kamu beli: koin ini punya siapa, backed oleh siapa, use casenya apa, long term usenya gimana. Dengan cara ini, sekenceng apapun fud atau hype yg dihadapi outcomenya …
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Adhyatma pfp
Selamat malam kawan
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Adhyatma pfp
Just watched full interview of Pacman talking about the future of #BLASTL2 and i can safely say: My wealth is in the right hand. Mr. Pacman, or whoever your name is, huge props to you, for looking this chain not as an one time 'Blast' through incentived airdrop, but as a pave to build a continuous benefactor for b…
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Adhyatma pfp
2017 As monseur Wenger step back, the downfall is upon us 2018 Unai Emery bring us a little hope 2019 Only for him to completely wreck it 2020 Mikel Arteta took over the club in the most shambolic and toxic condition 2021 Everyone pessimistic, no future for AFC but mikel prove us wrong and said the famous line: …
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Adhyatma pfp
"You get recessions, you have stock market declines. If you don't understand that's going to happen, then you're not ready, you won't do well in the markets." - Peter Lynch
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Adhyatma pfp
"Being rational is a moral imperative. You should never be stupider than you need to be." - Charlie Munger
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Adhyatma pfp
"What we learn from history, is that people dont learn from history. " -Warren Buffet
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Adhyatma pfp
Ss (selamat sore)
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