Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
Finally got access to the Telegram wallet which they announced last year but I'd never seen in the wild. Looks absolutely sick, but unfortunately nerfed if you're American due to anti-US rage from Pavel. What I can't figure out is how the app is figuring that out given I'm in Dubai, and region set to Spain/Europe.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
In theory the app could be using the model numbers (which maps to the destination market), but not sure you can pull that in iOS. Also, a colleague who bought their iPhone in NYC is using the TG wallet fine while living in Mexico. So can't be that. Maybe time-averaging GPS location?
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Joe Petrich 🟪 pfp
Joe Petrich 🟪
They talked about it on and said that it was phone number based
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Elie pfp
Surely it’s US regulation rather than rage that blocks US
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