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moritz 💧🔑 pfp
moritz 💧🔑
was going to post this in /dev but I somehow need to pay 1000 warps to post there? while I don't love that you have to pay to post in a general channel like this, the main thing is that buying warps is a pain
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antimo 🎩 pfp
antimo 🎩
how is it a pain? You can pay in any currency on any of 3 chains and you know get your warps instantly
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moritz 💧🔑 pfp
moritz 💧🔑
my experience on mobile earlier: - go to buy warps - press buy warps - get a pop up telling me to check my email - go to my email and open a link to cb commerce - connect Rainbow, it freezes - nvm the Rainbow part is not on Farcaster, but don't understand why all the prior steps when we now can trigger txs from frames
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