Angel pfp
For founders - what are your biggest pet peeves? For me - it's when someone flags a competitor or says "isn't x doing this?" and then forwards me a 6-month old landing page with a waitlist or "coming soon" sign... (I swear I'm not salty... πŸ˜‚ 😭)
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Theodore Melder pfp
Theodore Melder
yooo, this is the oneβ˜πŸ½πŸ˜‚
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Anna Morris 🎩🍿 pfp
Anna Morris 🎩🍿
I was recently passionately sharing my ideas about a travel planning app and someone answered with a link to a Lonely Planet website πŸ™„ Immediately after another person mentioned TripAdvisor (yikes!). Tough crowd I guess πŸ₯΄
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Manuel pfp
When they start telling you all the reasons why it’s going to be too difficult to pull off
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nas pfp
Interesting… *pause*… what’s stopping (big) company X to acquire (small) company Y and do what you are planning to do. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
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