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Dark Side
Your Brain Is Also a Muscle 1. When you’re working out, it’s essential to regularly change up your exercises; otherwise, muscles “plateau” — they stop responding to the load and therefore don’t grow. Your brain is also a muscle. 😉 2. It not only needs training but also a regular change in stimulation. Otherwise, it will “plateau” and stop generating new ideas, without which your startup won’t take off. 3. In other words, you can’t always be focused on your startup and your market. But that doesn’t mean switching your brain to something trivial. 4. During these mental breaks, you can think about other startups and markets. Especially since you might find interesting insights that you can apply to your own market or startup. 5. To do this, however, you need to look at startups that genuinely have something interesting to offer or are based on emerging changes that not everyone has noticed yet.
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