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@base Onchain Daily Snapshot (10/28/2024) Active Addresses: 1.09M (+0.92%) Transaction Count: 6.31M (+4.91%) Total Value Locked (TVL): $7.76B (+1.80%) Stable TVL: $3.51B (+0.57%) Revenue: $177.34K (+33.87%) Paid to L1: $906 (+38.76%) Onchain Profit: $176.43K (+33.84%) Transaction Cost: $0.004 (+100%) Activity Breakdown: Gas Fees: Predominantly from DeFi transactions, with Cross-Chain activities and Token Transfers as notable contributors. Transaction Count: Largely made up of Unlabeled transactions, followed by DeFi and Cross-Chain activities. Summary: October 28 shows positive growth in most areas, including active addresses, transaction count, TVL, revenue, and profit, suggesting an increase in network activity and profitability. The doubled transaction cost may indicate network congestion or increased demand. These metrics provide insights for stakeholders to optimize strategies during periods of heightened activity. @jessepollak
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pawan singh
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