Karthik Senthil pfp
Karthik Senthil
It's crazy how much the bird-app timeline is engineered to get you to keep scrolling. It takes every ounce of energy to stop. FC on the other hand is like a pleasant scroll in the park.
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Alex Roytenberg, CPA 🎩🍖 pfp
Alex Roytenberg, CPA 🎩🍖
It’s in part because of the auto start of videos, audio, bright colored ads and suggested posts “you might like”. Once you have the customer data and what they like you just keep feeding it to them like crack.
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Karthik Senthil pfp
Karthik Senthil
oh 100%. It's all the things you mentioned, but also a ton of factors we probably don't realize from colors, type-facing, font size, spacing, etc. Twitter laces their product with the optimal amount of stuff to keep their users high but not cracked out lol
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