Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
It's really underrated how 4 years ago the worst ethereum UX problem was that transactions would often take like 10 min to confirm if you get unlucky with the gasprice, and that problem just completely went away with EIP-1559. Today transactions reliably confirm in 5-20 seconds.
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Itsai 🧾🫂 pfp
Itsai 🧾🫂
But are gas fees cheaper? Is it more than 1 usd we are not there yet
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tknox.eth🎩 pfp
Gas is so much cheaper! I remember when it was hundreds to mint artwork. Deploying a contract - at least an eth if not more. I’m thrilled when I see $3.50 to mint or confirm a swap!
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Itsai 🧾🫂 pfp
Itsai 🧾🫂
Yes is cheaper. But bro is still more than 3 usd, we better deploy on polygon or base to avoid wasting money on gas
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tknox.eth🎩 pfp
Ofc much cheaper on base, opt, blast, but I think for those of us that have paid crazy high fees — we are grateful to only pay the 3 bucks - at least I am!
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Samu3l pfp
me too. I came from an era where we paid tons to mint an nft or even approve a token for swap.
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