Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
FIGHTING At a private conference this week, I was asked what I think of Mark Zuckerberg’s recent MMA training, Elon Musk’s challenge to a cage fight, and public reports that a Zuckerberg/Musk MMA fight may well happen later this year, perhaps in the actual Roman Colosseum...
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adrienne pfp
Not a fan of adults acting like children, but really can’t argue these are skills the world needs more of: “MMA teaches not just combat skills – and it does teach those – but also discipline, emotional control, respect, and a deep sense of responsibility.”
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dawufi pfp
Of which these children have none because they are the master in every situation they join
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MOLO pfp
oh yes, because when I think of emotional control, respect, and deep sense of responsibility, I think of Conor McGregor or Andrew Tate
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