Marc Andreessen pfp

Marc Andreessen


611 Following

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
Ask Me Anything! Tech, business, politics (tech related), startups, venture capital, finance, life. 💪🫡
258 replies
75 recasts
705 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
42 replies
15 recasts
196 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
Numbers 1-10 are Russian disinformation ops.
13 replies
9 recasts
77 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
Let's try a new experiment -- a standing Ask Me Anything -- ask me anything!
207 replies
43 recasts
269 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
The Techno-Optimist Manifesto: -- and Ask Me Anything!
38 replies
62 recasts
194 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
FIGHTING At a private conference this week, I was asked what I think of Mark Zuckerberg’s recent MMA training, Elon Musk’s challenge to a cage fight, and public reports that a Zuckerberg/Musk MMA fight may well happen later this year, perhaps in the actual Roman Colosseum...
19 replies
9 recasts
71 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
I’ve long spoken and written in public, often to the point where people ask me to stop. But enough other people ask me to continue, and so continue I do...
29 replies
1 recast
9 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
Suppose that “bullshit jobs” are real, but not for the reason Graeber says. What are the actual reasons?
33 replies
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3 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
What’s the most interesting thing/person/event in the world right now?
72 replies
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6 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
A person I have known for more than ten years, who I consider trustworthy, is convinced Farcaster will shortly experience an explosion of fun. I don’t know anything concrete, but if I were exposed, I would be excited.
17 replies
1 recast
17 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
Did I miss anything?
21 replies
0 recast
4 reactions

Marc Andreessen pfp
Marc Andreessen
Shit is lit AF.
30 replies
1 recast
7 reactions