Adam Cuculich pfp

Adam Cuculich


52 Following

Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Code must first run on your consciousness before it runs on computers.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Super excited about this! Looking forward to working with one of the best teams in consumer crypto💥
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Immutable, with full user control. Looking forward to seeing this launch.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
How long before "computer" overtakes "people"?
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Anyone have any special tricks for getting ChatGPT4 to respond succinctly? Frequently find myself asking it to reduce the number of words in its responses by 10x or giving it specific formats to answer in. Super cumbersome; no luck with custom instructions.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
100% testing coverage on a DeFi protocol built from scratch feels nice. Details soon :)
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Looking forward to the day where I replace one Leetcode a day with one physics problem a day.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
The next codebase I write shall be beautiful, and it will be glorious.
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5 reactions

Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Multi-chain governance in a single click sounds nice.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Groups that coalesce around a common, niche interest are some of the most interesting to be a part of—especially when that interest has nothing to do with professional interests.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
This sentence is false.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Polymathic pursuits necessitate autodidacticism. There will be gatekeepers, but don’t fret. They don’t dream big enough.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Multi-chain deployments just got easier. Same address, no nonces, no salts, no constructor arg dependence.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Any system that does not have immediate feedback from reality will behave in ways that is not commensurate with reality. Put differently, any system that does not have distributed skin in the game (DSIG) will become deranged over time.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
The tension between “think long and hard about the why” and “just build, build, build” is strong.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Who’s going to Istanbul?
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Founders have fundamentally lost sight of what’s important when they start to focus on points systems, airdrops, and quest completions. Focus should be allocated toward building and selling products that users love.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
It’s easier to demolish a building than it is to build one. It’s easier to deconstruct a theory or philosophy than it is to create one.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
Programmable money is addictive in a way that programmable, non-monetary information transfer is not.
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Adam Cuculich pfp
Adam Cuculich
So if no one else will, I’ll pop the all-encompassing, theory-of-everything question in this channel. What’s your bench max?
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