aaacat pfp



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aaacat pfp
除了拿稳大币种基本仓之外. 这一轮的新叙事目前看起来只有AI agent算是比较有说服力,需要深度参与的. 希望这个赛道能拿到alpha收益.
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aaacat pfp
下跌中也能看到机会 1 衰退会刺激美联储更加激进的降息以及量化宽松 2 衰退会增加特朗普连任概率,理论上是更加利好加密圈 3 ai潜力我认为还没有完全释放,特别是与实体工业的结合 如果美股继续暴跌,我会赌美联储将采取更加激进的救市策略,炒币仓位一半的现金半个月内抄底。 同时也要预留长期阴跌的可能,规划定投资金一直到美国大选结束。
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aaacat pfp
最近ETH表现较为疲软,但仍有一些乐观的迹象可以关注: 短期展望 目前ETH的疲软主要来自于灰度的抛压。历史数据显示,当BTC的灰度抛售比例达到50%左右时,市场通常会见底。 按照当前ETH的抛售速度,预计大约需要8到10天才能达到类似情况。 然而,市场往往会提前反应,因此如果下周整体市场环境保持稳定,ETH仍有望迎来补涨。 中期展望 当前,已通过的加密货币ETF主要包括BTC和ETH。 未来,唯一可能通过的还有SOL,但即便如此,也需要一段时间。 这将吸引传统金融领域的流动性注入Web3。 一旦出现利好消息,ETH可能会迎来更大涨幅。
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aaacat pfp
市场不太给btc大会面子,可能因为门头沟和灰度以太坊的抛压,大盘继续下探. 这种短期抛压导致的利空,如果到合适的点位. 比如btc整数点6w,或者上次的支撑点5.5~5.8,我会选择继续抄底. 毕竟基本面上,降息,etf通过增加的流动性,btc减半后的供应量减少,web3可能的mass adoption的到来,都没有太大变化.
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aaacat pfp
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aaacat pfp
[路透社民调显示哈里斯支持率高于特朗普,但Polymarket上特朗普仍大幅领先] 真金白银不会作假
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aaacat pfp
😀 早上好
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aaacat pfp
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aaacat pfp
币安上线banana,说明业界还是很支持具有真实需求的项目. 让ai总结一下交易相关环节真实需求的项目:
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aaacat pfp
Investing in cryptocurrencies should aim to make life better. If the current strategy makes you anxious and unable to sleep or eat well, then it is counterproductive. For me, there are several conditions for asset allocation: 1. The ratio of cash to investment amount: Cash should cover at least the next two years of expenses. 2. The ratio of different types of investment products: such as stocks, funds, gold, and cryptocurrencies. 3. Cryptocurrencies: - BTC and ETH should always occupy the largest proportion. - High market cap altcoins whose products I use, such as BNB, SOL, LINK, etc. - Finally, allocate a small proportion to alpha and meme coins. Everyone's asset allocation varies based on their risk tolerance, total capital, and areas of expertise. The most important thing is that the strategy should be progressive, with the upper-level strategy strictly limiting the proportions at the lower levels.
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aaacat pfp
加密货币的投资应该是为了让生活更美好. 如果当前的策略让自己寝食难安,那么就本末倒置. 对于我来说,资金配置有几个条件: 1. 现金和投资金额的比例,现金应该至少预留未来2年的开支. 2. 不同类型投资产品的比例,比如股票,基金,黄金,加密货币等. 3. 加密货币: - btc,eth应该始终占据最大的比例. - 大市值的、自己在使用其产品的山寨币,如BNB、SOL、LINK等。 - 最后留出一些比例给alpha,meme. 每个人按照风险偏好,资金总量,擅长的技能领域,配置资产的比例不同. 最重要的是,策略应该是层层递进的,上层策略严格限制了下层的比例.
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aaacat pfp
Many people do not understand lp and suffer losses. In fact, eth-u can be used as a strategy for batch bottom-fishing and delivery The lowest price is set to the price you want to bottom-fish, and the highest price is set to the price you want to deliver. If it falls to the lowest price, you can choose not to move, or release lp = left bottom-fishing is completed If it rises to the highest price, you can choose not to move, or release lp = right delivery is completed
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aaacat pfp
很多人对于lp不理解导致损失. 其实eth-u的可以当成分批抄底和出货的策略 最低价设置为自己想要抄底的价格,最高价设置为自己想要出货的价格. 如果跌到最低价,可以选择不动,或者解除lp = 左侧抄底完成 如果涨到最高价,可以选择不动,或者解除lp = 右侧出货完成 univ3是线性,tradejoe的bin类似网格. 手续费可以当作额外收益. 交易量越大并且震荡的时间越长,lp的策略就越比直接现货抄底有性价比. 当然其中的临界点需要仔细计算,一般来说正确的预测底部并且现货抄底是获利最大的. 但是谁又能确保准确预测价格底部呢. 当然组lp的潜在alpha收益是未发币的dex+未发币的链的潜在空投. 增加了链上行为的可信度.
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aaacat pfp
The bull market is back. Did you guys buy the bottom last week? What you need to do now is to hold your position and wait. Use your time and energy to interact with projects, learn and read to improve yourself.
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aaacat pfp
I can't connect to the network when deploying the contract locally with hardhat, but it is very smooth when deploying it on an overseas server. The network really takes up a lot of time.
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aaacat pfp
Make decisions that can calm your mind. You can sleep peacefully and not even think about looking at market prices. Use the remaining energy to do long-term, gradual progress, and delayed gratification.
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aaacat pfp
做能让自己心灵平静的决策. 能让自己安心的睡觉,平时甚至不会想去看市场价格. 剩下的精力去做长期的,慢慢进步,延迟满足的事.
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