one33seven pfp
We are living in exciting, critical times; somewhere between Renaissance and Revolution. While the world is reshaping, most are flipping JPGs and trading sh*tcoins. (Not the '1337' crowd on FC so much, obviously...) one33seven is building a crypto culture collective based on the fundamental principles of crypto.
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one33seven pfp
Feels strange rehashing the Twitter post for FC, because it feels like it doesn't have to be explained on here.. but anyway, here goes: Guessing not everyone (even on here) knows about "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" by John Perry Barlow from 1996
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one33seven pfp
Contrary to the vision, Web2 brought forward corporations which are bigger and hold more power than many governments. Although some of them started out with the right motto; "Don't be evil" (Google), they are centralized entities, which are a single point of failure.
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