Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
This is bad. Crypto is not just trading tokens, it's part of a broader ethos of freedom and privacy and keeping power in the hands of the little guy. These values unfortunately continue to be under attack, globally.
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Gabriel 🎩 pfp
Gabriel 🎩
Most Americans actually don't want freedom unfortunately. See the Patriot Act; passed with majority support from both parties and supported by most Americans. What can be done? I don't know.
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MingMing13 (>^_^)>🐹<(^_^<) pfp
MingMing13 (>^_^)>🐹<(^_^<)
Most people are happy slaves, cogs in the machine simply wanting safety for their family, and will unfortunately be driven to death by their leaders.
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