0xfff.eth pfp



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0xfff.eth pfp
Shadow banned tweet on twitter, so reposting this here: The talk by Albert Ni at Devcon is hands down the most evocative thing on Computation I’ve encountered this year https://www.youtube.com/embed/S6ixhGBnvKc?start=1518
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buffets pfp
⚘ World Computer Sculpture Garden ⚘ Curated by @0xfff An art show of smart contracts; an art show as a smart contract—perpetually open and running as long as Ethereum does the same. Come take a walk within and plant some flowers at worldcomputersculpture.garden
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buffets pfp
Not religious myself, but I found the Buddhist concept of emptiness (sunyata) useful in how I approach life. In Buddhism, all things in the world seen as empty or devoid of an intrinsic essence; what we think they are depends on their relationships with other things. A great nudge to always consider the context.
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0xfff.eth pfp
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mikegee pfp
I've made progress... Honest Work by @0xfff
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0xfff.eth pfp
Good morning! Wishing a wonderful start into the week 🤝
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mikegee pfp
Honest Work #24 by @0xfff When @0xfff released 'You Are Here,' I missed the mint and was gutted. I've lamented to @0xfff many times. The universe is either twisting the knife or tossing me a consolation prize.
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Leander Herzog pfp
Leander Herzog
Honest Work #13 by @0xfff
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buffets pfp
You Are Here by @0xfff Each transfer of a token in this series to another blockchain leaves a trail, enabling it to serve as a catalogue of past journeys along bridges and across boundaries. Token 11155111 is featured below, and in my latest essay on crypto's cultural potential (quoted cast) ⬇️
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Chainleft pfp
By @0xfff It ain't much but it's... https://honestwork.0xfff.love/
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0xfff.eth pfp
Time to crosspost :)
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0xfff.eth pfp
Thanks for the shoutout! Warpcaster didnt let me post at the beginning of the week. Perhaps now it will.-
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misha  🪨 pfp
misha 🪨
“Honest Work" is a dynamic onchain artwork in the form of endless todo lists by @0xfff release April 22 📌✨ Interactive onchain-generated SVG. A tokens image grows indefinitely in height with every task that is completed. https://honestwork.0xfff.love/
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0xfff.eth pfp
This is the way
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0xfff.eth pfp
Commitment 🙏🙏🙏
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0xfff.eth pfp
Thanks for the shoutout Kate!
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tokenfox pfp
I'm now the proud owner of fully on-chain artwork, PERMISSIONLESS, from BEEF by @0xfff 🥂 And it was actually quite cheap to acquire. Just took me 2.70 dollars in transfer fees, thats all The caveat is that anyone can transfer the piece. So I might not be the owner for long
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0xfff.eth pfp
Thanks @seth 🫰
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0xfff.eth pfp
I‘ll have you know I‘m a warpcast boomer. I did not know you can do that
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0xfff.eth pfp
digitally permanent objects beautifully useless in their dynamic nature revealing qualities of the computing substrate that they run on and are produced by hinting at a new reality in which we find ourselves asking what do we do with all this stuff and why does it not go away
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