0xen 🎩
Safe to say at this point that team Trump overplayed their hand post convention. Several unforced errors, the Vance problem, Trump fatigue. Meanwhile untapped Kamala memetic power has been discovered. Walz is a good, safe pick. How much will people care that Kamala wasn’t voted on? It bothers me plenty. If I were a rep. operative I’d push this point. Odds are 50/50 at this point. I don’t play roulette but if I did I’d bet on Trump winning.
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Gwynne Michele
Facebook and Threads are going wild with the Walz memes. What little bit I've checked TikTok, it's starting there, too. Democrats are unusually good at marketing the campaign this year.
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0xen 🎩
He’s wholesome. Something we haven’t seen much of recently in American politics. Will voters care? I’m somewhat skeptical that the memes will matter as much this go around compared to 2016
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More than just memes , he grew up on a farm in a district that voted trump twice, he can speak to rural voters who don't like trump, he was a teacher for 20 years, he can speak to the youth, the two groups you have to win this year are undecided who don't want trump, and youth. Trump wants to attack the middle and run on race baiting and they are socialists, and I belive there's enough in the middle who are informed enough to realize lol no they aren't
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0xen 🎩
they’ll need to come up with some ideas other than Trump Bad. Do they have them? We really don’t know, Kamala is a bit of a cipher, tactically a brilliant move that she was mostly invisible during the Biden administration because there’s very little to hammer her on. Tim Kaine didn’t really help Hillary even though he has a few of the attributes you mentioned.
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Gwynne Michele
We're still three months out from the election, and at the speed information moves now, that's a lot of time for things to change.
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0xen 🎩
For real
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