0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
What are people using to bridge to the $degen chain? decent.xyz is what I came up with looking on Twitter
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agusti 🎩 pfp
agusti 🎩
wait what are the advantages of bridging rn
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downshift πŸŽ©πŸ–β†‘ pfp
downshift πŸŽ©πŸ–β†‘
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2 reactions

aexek.eth 🎩 pfp
aexek.eth 🎩
nice how "decent" sounds homonymous to "D sent"
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1 reaction

Michael 🎩 pfp
Michael 🎩
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1 reaction

minmaxi pfp
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tim pfp
I love @decentxyz
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helladj🎩 pfp
Idk did I just lose $60 on a fake bridge?…
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