axek.degen.eth pfp



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axek.degen.eth pfp
Bros I need money If you need my Onchain Gaias by @antonmarrast or VV Checks (OE and Originals) by @jack or Memes by @batz.eth let me know in DC If you need me to bring you value with a design (poap), don't even hesitate to drop me a message, otherwise it's a lost opportunity Anyways, love y'all GM
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axek.degen.eth pfp
I love to be consistent. At least some of the things in life sustain
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axek.degen.eth pfp
Haha, my last yoink was 2 minutes and 34 seconds. Some things in life never disappoint, so is 10 minute Yoink timeout
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axek.degen.eth pfp
Btw, hen harrier. Was just sorting my photographs and got enough curious to go and goolge what kind of bird is this. This is a harrier and now i know where they live, so my next mission is to make a proper photo of it. Very nice bird
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axek.degen.eth pfp
Honestly though, that's a historical injustice that all Russians know western memes, but not vice versa. Gotta change that one thing in the world. If not me, then who? Hey American frens, do you know there's russian Vinnie the Pooh?
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axek.degen.eth pfp
The car project is never finished, just like most of designs in the world. You always aim higher and step over your weaknesses, just do the thing, and results impress yourself. For me it's a design challenge (and opportunity), for @zhekazhe it's a dream of a life time (to run a RDS GP season) We're doing things we've never done before and turns out there's nothing impossible. Proper photoshoot of the results in progress
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axek.degen.eth pfp
Had to do this meme, even though only Russians will understand 😀
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axek.degen.eth pfp
A drift car without a livery is like a ladybug without dots @zhekazhe's drift dreams get closer to reality. The first layer of the livery we designed turned out to be a two-layer decal. And we made it. From plotter to the actual car in one day Stay tuned for high quality pictures and first mints for fans
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axek.degen.eth pfp
You're trying to solve the issue at hand, when it's the underlying cause that's really important. "Work" is the underlying cause 🙂
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axek.degen.eth pfp
Just like i said :) "Under the car" is probably from where @zhekazhe casts from... once a month 😅 This time it's the legendary runabout Crown
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axek.degen.eth pfp
I'm learning new English words everyday for the last 25 years and I think I'm pretty damn good at it, but wtf is 'brat' ?
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axek.degen.eth pfp
God exists
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axek.degen.eth pfp
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axek.degen.eth pfp
@zhekazhe under his based and yellow drifting animal, now onchain, thanks to Moshicam. Had to make this shot cuz i see this picture every time i visit the garage. Bro spends more time under the car than IN the car, but that's a subject to change. With such a commitment it's only a matter of time
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axek.degen.eth pfp
Have you shown your waifu to your real waifu?
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axek.degen.eth pfp
This should be default ux for any crypto involved consumer app
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axek.degen.eth pfp
Yellow cloudberry constellations on my local bog. This year's onchain summer turned out unusual weather in the North, warm (even hot) and humid all June. Perfect weather for cloudberry. We got incredible amount of berries this year. For comparison last year it was like 1 per square meter, or absolutely fruitless bogs with only leaves. My favourite food is now onchain omg @moshicam what are you doing with me 😅
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axek.degen.eth pfp
There'll be signs.
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axek.degen.eth pfp
@buildbot nominate @moshicam please, and I guess also @kaito and @mikey for amazing product that we all "don't need but need"
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axek.degen.eth pfp
This cast is about post. My first physical art that I'm sending across the globe. @hodlceo.eth i hope it will find you. No track number this time, i decided to give it a note of uncertainty. They said you should get the delivery someday in August. But the time will pass anyway so i also hope it gets you by surprise
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