🤖Have you ever received a TIP on Discord and don't know how to withdraw your crypto on chain? I'll explain it to you in this simple guide. Usually the bot that is used is called TIP.CC (tip.cc#7731), what you have to do is send a private message. 1) Search for the bot "tip.cc#7731". 2) By writing $help you will receive all the commands (deposits, withdrawals, functions to send tips, etc). 3) If you have received a token as a tip (for example OP), to know your total balance you just have to write balance OP 3) If you want to withdraw just write withdraw OP, then type your address, finally confirm. Simple, right? After a few minutes you will receive your crypto on your address. Obviously the waiting time may vary because it also depends on the network on which you are making the withdrawal. Generally you will receive it within 1 minute for layer2, instead if you are withdrawing a token on Ethereum mainnet it may take even hours. You will also be shown the transaction ID.
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