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ukstv pfp
Proof of personhood and ZK: a thread. Decided to do a brain dump while touching grass. Lets start with the components declared. Proof of personhood aka unique problem or PoP below is explored quite in accessible way by the glorious @vitalik.eth
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ukstv pfp
Proof of Personhood: (a) PoP proves somehow cryptographically that a private key or an account owner is a human, of flesh and blood. (b) No matter how many private keys or accounts he or she has, they all can be linked to a cryptographic signal acquired during proving (a).
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ukstv pfp
ZK: proves cryptographically that some statement is true while not disclosing components of the statement. One infamous example is proving you're an adult. A proof would tell your birthdate is just far enough in the past. The date itself remains private.
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ukstv pfp
These two things ZK and PoP are independent. Mix and match at your will.
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ukstv pfp
Vitalik selects 2 general approaches to PoP. Social-graph based uses graph of endorsements you are human. Biometric approach relies on unique biological traits like iris scan or fingerprint or maybe an ear scan.
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ukstv pfp
There ZK might be applied as a sort of intermediation mechanism that hides a link between an account and unique human id derived from biometrics or social graph. Improves privacy, but contributes a little to the overall scheme.
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ukstv pfp
There is one more approach to prove Personhood though. We could bridge existing meatworld PoP to Web3. Most of the world population now has passports or government identities. Some of the governments, like Estonia, even use cryptography natively for national ids.
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ukstv pfp
Most of modern passports used for international travel use cryptography as well. You could scan a government-issued document, and use say a hash of its properties as a unique human identifier. ZK here plays a critical role.
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Tempe.degen 🎩 pfp
Tempe.degen 🎩
There's this infrastructure called ICAO PKD system where participating countries share master public keys for verifying their passports. This could be used for ZK proofs of personhood.
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ukstv pfp
Yeah, that's what I meant. Thank you for the clarification. Just a visual scan is not enough here. To get the supply chain info about the passport you have to scan an NFC chip, encrypted with visual info of the passport.
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ukstv pfp
Oh, 2 more cents. Some countries use RSA, some use ECC.
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ukstv pfp
Oh, as part of the system you have access to revocation list as well to check if passport is still valid.
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