Bích Liên pfp
Bích Liên
I have spent a day in the circus on pump.fun. It’s quite disgusting and a little bit funny. I picked a random coin that seemed to have potential and ‘invested’ 50$ Only later I realized that the coin was inspired by a young woman who tweeted a death threat against Trumpet and the creators hoped that she would go viral and get roasted by Tramp supporters, which fortunately didn’t happen. Coin pumped for a short moment and went to zero soon after. Memecoin space seems to be really infested with scammers and fraudsters and not sure if we want any of that here. But wouldn’t it be quite natural to make Lens posts become memecoins? Pump.fun concept seems super simple. What about the possibility to make posts not only collectible but become a coin of their own? Stickers already go a bit in that direction. orb Team, what do you think?
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Zory 🔵🧢 pfp
Zory 🔵🧢
Hy vọng ngày của người sẽ làm việc hiệu quả và đáng nhớ. Toodles! 🥰💓
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