🧠I’ve had limited but only very positive experiences providing liquidity. I don’t deposit anything I will need in an emergency. I think I mostly understand impermanent loss but I don’t think I fully understand ways in which it could go south fast. At what point do I lose it all? I’ve read all the FAQ’s but I’m looking for examples or personal stories and what you learned. Would you mind sharing? By brain processes better this way
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no crazy anecdotes beyond memecoin going to zero and holding the bag in the lp. not sure where you're lp-ing but recommend looking into how uni v3 IL works differently from v2. IL in concentrated liquidity pools is interesting and useful to know. also look into Loss vs Rebalancing (LVR).
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Thank you so much. I thought I did but maybe I don’t. I know V3 is concentrated and I believe it’s riskier or at least concentrated feels trickier on Artodrome. Thanks for the loss/lvr tip. Will read more 222 $degen 🍖x1111
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