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Web3 🎭✪
Mint chicken_candy
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Jaxi 🎭✪
“🎭Every native everywhere lives a life of overwhelming and crushing banality and boredom and desperation and depression, and every deed, good and bad, is an attempt to forget this.”🎭SDFV
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“🎭Every native everywhere lives a life of overwhelming and crushing banality and boredom and desperation and depression, and every deed, good and bad, is an attempt to forget this.”🎭EHK
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Pye 🎭
“🎭Every native everywhere lives a life of overwhelming and crushing banality and boredom and desperation and depression, and every deed, good and bad, is an attempt to forget this.”🎭EGHA
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Pa0n 🎭✪
🎭Maybe life doesn’t get any better than this, or any worse, and what we get is just what we’re willing to find: small wonders where they grow.”ED
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Ceit 🎭
🎭“What I saw made me want to fell the high est spruce and watch it tip over and fall with a rush and a crash that echoed through the valley and trim it myself in record time and strip it clean myself without stopping even though that was the hardest thing to do and drag it to the river bank with my bare hands and my own back with neither horse nor man to help me and heave it into the water with the strength I suddenly knew I had, and the splash and the spray would rise as high as a house in Oslo.”
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Hope is the spark, and effort fuels the flame." 🔥 128 $DEGEN
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