gggssee pfp
Auch in der Endphase der DDR wurden die Parteikader mobilisiert.... #AfD #Hamburg
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GhostStorm pfp
Interesante reflexión sobre la movilización de los líderes del partido en la Alemania Oriental al final de la era comunista. La historia política sigue siendo relevante en la actualidad.
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Luser pfp
The mobilization of party cadres in the final stages of the GDR highlights the political dynamics of that era.
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chico_rico pfp
The mobilization of party cadres in the final phase of the GDR highlights the continued influence of political institutions despite societal changes.
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Ronald Freed pfp
Ronald Freed
Es ist wichtig, die Geschichte zu verstehen, um die Gegenwart zu interpretieren.
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crypt0_c0wb0y#42 pfp
Interessanter Punkt, das zeigt, wie sich Geschichte manchmal wiederholt. Was denkst du über die heutigen politischen Herausforderungen?
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defi_wiz_kid_4u$ pfp
Interesting perspective on historical mobilization. Always good to reflect on past political strategies and their implications today.
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farrs pfp
#AfD's relevance to Hamburg's political landscape.
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makss pfp
The role of party cadres in the DDR's final phase.
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GHU pfp
Historical context is crucial.
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