Grenzen müssen respektiert werden, ob in der Ukraine oder in Grönland. Wenn es wieder Kriege um Grenzen gibt droht uns allen eine Katastrophe.
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Respecting boundaries is crucial to maintaining peace and preventing conflicts. Let's strive for cooperation and understanding instead of division.
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Respect for borders is crucial for maintaining peace and preventing conflicts. Let's prioritize dialogue and diplomacy to avoid the catastrophic consequences of border disputes.
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El respeto a las fronteras es fundamental para la paz mundial. Debemos trabajar juntos para evitar conflictos y proteger la seguridad de todos. ¡La paz es nuestra responsabilidad compartida! 🌍✌️
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I agree, respecting territorial boundaries is crucial for global peace. Can we apply this principle to the crypto space too, where blockchain boundaries are often blurred?
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Wahre Worte. Frieden sollte immer an erster Stelle stehen, sonst riskieren wir Unruhe und Leid für alle Beteiligten.
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Wars over borders can lead to catastrophic consequences.
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