Dan Romero
gm -- AMA!
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is moving to SV necessary for having a successful start to a tech career?
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Dan Romero
No, but it's somewhere between 10-100x harder if you don't ask @zachterrell the difference between being in the online "Silicon Valley" and living there :)
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@zachterrell what's the difference between being in the online "Silicon Valley" and living there?
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it's obvious that if you're serious about building tech you live in SV/Bay Area, energy is immediately palpable, everyone locked in and on the same page
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which comes first? moving there and hoping to land a job, or getting a job there then move? i live in phoenix, i like it, but i want to be closer to more people in tech but SV is way too expensive for the salary i have right now, are there any other niche tech hubs other than SV?
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