Yihan Zhou pfp
Yihan Zhou
it seems that we only have "follow", "comment", and "like" as the relations among identities in most social networks . However, due to the lack of explicit semantics, these relations can not reflect the nature or feature of the relations. Would it be useful to have semantic explicit social relations?
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Yihan Zhou pfp
Yihan Zhou
sample semantic explicit relations : 1 eating together regularly 2 coding together regularly 3 met in clubhouse 4 worked in same project at XXX company 5 did a podcast together these relations can either describe regular interactions or one-time interactions.
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Yihan Zhou pfp
Yihan Zhou
I can think of 2 use cases for semantic explicit relations : 1 help users better understand their 2nd or higher degree connections by giving information on how exactly these connections connect with users' friends 2 build edge-semantic-explicit social graphs(may need nlp aggregation) for more powerful analysis
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