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I'm not ready for the next four+ years.
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YES2Crypto 🎩 🟪🟡
It’s a false question. Pretty much nobody is 100% anti-all vaccine. Pretty much nobody is 100% gung ho about putting everything produced by pharma just because they label it a vaccine when it isn’t and isn’t tested. It’s a fake, division-inducing poll
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What do you think this will look like in four years? If Trump et al manage to drastically reduce vaccine use, we might see a backlash as old diseases see a resurgence. Or, maybe that won't be long enough to see any major effects. Polls are never more than one data point in a much broader conversation, but given the reception to JFK Jr. and the response to Covid, those numbers don't surprise me at all. If anything, they are too low.
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YES2Crypto 🎩 🟪🟡
I think there will be just as a corrupt and misleading polls in four years
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In my limited and anecdotal experiences with people IRL, there seems to be an extremely high corellation between MAGA and anti-vax beliefs. JFK Jrs de-approval(?) of the Polio vaccine is probably a step too far even for them thoguh, especially for those old enough to remember pre-vaccine. I certainly agree that the "media" benefits from further polarizing an already divided electorate though.
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