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Tokenomics #Layer3, #L3
Total Supply: 3,333,333,333 tokens
Token Contract: Not yet deployed
L3 Token Distribution
Community: 51% (1.69 billion L3)
51% of the total L3 supply is reserved for the community, over a 4 year-period with 40% in year 1, 30% in year 2, 20% in year 3, and 10% in year 4.
200,000,000 L3 (6%) is the OG & S1 airdrop. 50,000,000 (1.5%) is the S2 allocation. This entire allocation is unlocked at TGE.
25% is the initial budget allocated by the Foundation to planned airdrops and incentives
The remaining 26% will go to the community and governed by the DAO and Foundation to be allocated to future airdrops, incentives, and ecosystem initiatives over time.
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