Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
140,000 sign ups on the Farcaster waitlist
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wijuwiju.eth pfp
do u have an idea, how many of them are bots? i.e we did initially a form application to Interface, we received like 5000 submissions, out of which no more than 300-500 were actual people if I remember correctly
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
No idea. 100% have an Ethereum address, 80% have a connected Twitter account and 60% have >0 ETH balance.
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wijuwiju.eth pfp
nice nice, I was manually reviewing all of them, but that is def not an option for you guys hahaha. I dunno if there is software but the bot farms usually have similar tx composition, i.e they all do similar set of actions (bridges, commemorative mints, total number of tx, etc) another usefull ish data point is ENS
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