Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
The urge to self-actualize by reorganizing your task management system instead of executing the tasks on the list like a machine 😩
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KD pfp
The major irony I find with most products in the “productivity” space. Cals, tasks, notes, msgs, etc: all want to be the one to gather the rest and it produces this mangled matryoshka effect that takes more time to get the chemistry just right than actually saving time per annum.
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KD pfp
Related: an interesting second order effect for the consumer in terms of bundling vs unbundling when it comes to SaaS pricing and “building your moat” - ie streaming vs cable
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KD pfp
Has anyone done any work on a Dunbar-like theory for number of services to optimization? Like cost benefit on quantity/price to mental health and/or actual throughput.
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