Content pfp
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Jacek 🎩 pfp
Jacek 🎩
$DEGEN Bounty: Create a Degen frame on Farcaster! Judges select finalists to guard against sybils; community votes for winners. Prizes: 1.5M $DEGEN for the winner, 500k for two runners-up. Need Degen? Contact me for testnet Degen. Details: Happy building!
220 replies
255 recasts
764 reactions

wake 🎩 pfp
wake 🎩
To help stir ppl's creative juices, do you have any tantalizing examples to share? Especially on the /degen defense or zany experiment side.
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5 reactions

Jacek 🎩 pfp
Jacek 🎩
As of now, I don't have anything specific in mind. I'm leaning towards keeping options open without imposing too many restrictions.
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3 reactions