w3tester pfp
Recently, I've delved into discussions about public blockchain technology and would like to document my learning outcomes.
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w3tester pfp
The services that blockchain systems can provide to users can be divided into three levels: fact, consensus, and cognition. By "fact," we mean the ability for anyone to write immutable data onto the blockchain (i.e., to make a transaction).
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w3tester pfp
"Consensus" refers to the ability to compute based on the immutable data on the blockchain (state transition) and obtain results (such as transferring funds or executing smart contracts). "Cognition" denotes the ability for the outcomes of the blockchain's computation to be obtained and perceived by common users.
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w3tester pfp
There is a hierarchical relationship among these three: facts determine consensus, and consensus determines cognition; consensus stems from the computation of facts, while cognition comes from the transmission and perception of consensus.
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