Vy Nguyễn pfp

Vy Nguyễn


178 Following

Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
MW3 Search & Destroy making ppl regret buying this game Live Chat at https://bloomers.tv/kontak
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
In the mountains for a while. https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/4913b9f5b6c47aa7a3ab9f927866d8668d2b50a45ba06282ba5651c4af6d12be.jpg
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
Welcome to a new edition of the "Chaos Report." It's time for you to decide what our club's logo will be. Plus, good news! The chaos can now be used natively on @lens/wav3s 🔥🔥🔥 Remember to vote! 👇 https://hey.xyz/posts/0x03ef70-0x015b-DA-837977fb
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
Polygon has made a proposal to change its PoS chain to become a zkEVM Validium. This will be a big change for Lens and a massive number of other projects. But... ◆ WTF is a Validium? ◆ What's this mean for Polygon PoS? ◆ How's this different from Polygon's zkEVM Rollup? I wrote a (~5 min read) blog post explaining it in simple terms: → https://blog.jarrodwatts.com/polygon-pos-is-becoming-a-zkevm-validium-explained
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
New Logo 🤩 https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/QmPnoNt8kUfwjv6io4dPzVAW1usAXF99ndnX4FVwTjcDfQ
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
invite codes on orb lfg @nilesh.lens
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
gm professsionallls, the only valid response to a guy who doesn’t like fries https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/cc278d279c2913cacc004cb4590ac54064f4d5fd882b2b47488cb6dff5ce591a.jpg
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
the older you get the more it hits you: numbers are really important, like really - whether it's your age, your bank balance, the metrics madness, or even just the number of unread emails staring back at you!
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
Total Gotchiverse Daily Harvesting Power 114,447.60 $FUD 53,121.50 $FOMO 28,237.90 $ALPHA 6,715.62 $KEK 2,885 parcels have at least one harvester on them #aavegotchi #Gotchiverse
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
Mint Coinbase Wallet 'undo all' https://zora.co/collect/base:0x6f3063fbd9e5b13b26a634529cad3e6eee57b2db/1?referrer=0x65D619d41bE19EFE6D1f6Bfb6BdC43418015b05B
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
Gm! Mood for today 😭😭😭how I be feelin here damn aajsjakaa https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/3c51e6b89d7c4d3ea66e4de3d5378794300ce61dd3b5652a0b0c15acdbc6e7f0.jpg
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
5 of the best Web3 open-source tools: "Solidity, web3.js, Hardhat, Metamask, and IPFS. These tools cover various aspects of Web3 development, from programming languages and libraries to wallets and browsers. By using these tools, developers can create more secure, efficient, and user-friendly dApps that leverage the power of decentralized networks." https://cryptoticker.io/en/best-web3-open-source-tools/
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
Berlin booked: @lens/ethberlin Looking forward to meeting all of you at dAppCon, ETHBerlin, and other events from the 21st to - the 27th. Let's meet to talk about Astaria, #DeFi, and Growth, and enjoy the hackathon together! Btw I am looking for a team :) https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/92fa8cc9d26b5e741d0fe931e43031954a3d21cfdc115b925e83da4515914bf6.png
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
Free collect from lensprotocal [Lens Protocol 🌿 on Twitter](https://twitter.com/LensProtocol/status/1635436842181861376) “Collect Lenny https://t.co/WMGY7b76rL”
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
HARDKOR GOTCHI HEROES AND BATTLER Session I have important stuff to do, so I am doing this instead. Live Chat at https://bloomers.tv/hardkornate
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
**THE ARBTIC GLADIATORS HAVE BEEN CHOSEN!** Congrats to all the new Gladiatooors. Head to the Discord to claim your new role. The Arbtic Games will begin on Monday, 20 March, at 11:00 UTC, only on Arbitrum Goerli. Remember – *you have to trade within the first 48 hours*, or you'll get kicked. On Monday at 14:00 UTC we'll be holding a briefing for all new Gladiators. We'll run you through the app and get you ready for battle. RSVP in the Discord to get reminded. May the markets be in your favor. https://discord.com/events/811225628346286122/1085201016351367328 https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/bafkreiabmu4qarkcofznei3skkcunexgbc5gwysgzeriwpvosdatrsi7wy
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
When is Lens-related DAO buying Twitter?
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
New to Lens, who should I be following? Drop your favorite person to follow on Lens 👇
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
If you're in South Beach, make sure to head to the @lens/lensprotocol exhibit at Gateway Miami to mint Clem! 🌴 Clem is a special edition Fini who responds to your activity on Lens. Only available today and tomorrow! ❤️
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Vy Nguyễn pfp
Vy Nguyễn
This weeks snippet for the track dropping Wednesday! No Tardar! Mi gente latina! Les gusta los lyrics? Sending love lazers to everyone....thank you for all the support <3 Truly magical Produced Written and Mixed by me,, What do you guys think?
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