V.S.Vivek pfp



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V.S.Vivek pfp
Enjoying the @perl unique take on mixing text with AI and generating vivid imagery. Makes you go back the revisit your own notes. @ace would love to learn the thought and process behind this feature.
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V.S.Vivek pfp
The drop of brands engaging in customer service on the bird site is turning grim. This post by Karthik talks about this topic at length. Worth pondering as Twitter recedes further. https://beastoftraal.com/2023/05/04/the-beginning-of-the-end-of-twitter-as-a-customer-support-channel/
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V.S.Vivek pfp
Really enjoying the thoughtful execution of @ace and @peter with perl.xyz . The smallest of nibbles for me is the leadership board. But the visualisation, perl currency and lack of replying are all on point. My go to choice to post something on my mind. Best part, I don’t know who follows me over there.
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V.S.Vivek pfp
Just wrote a post on my personal newsletter “on the side” talking about my talking points. https://buttondown.email/ontheside/archive/rephrasing-my-talking-points/
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V.S.Vivek pfp
Refreshing my talking points with respect to work. A short list of recommendations that I preach and follow.
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