vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Learning Nextjs+rainbowkit+wagmi + <add keywords> OK, guys, tell me, do you really know how apps you build with this stuff work? Or just trial and error until it seems to work? (Feels like being back to Windows 95 again: "Try unistalling the printer driver, and then upgrade the VGA driver, it worked for me.")
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Steve pfp
It’s definitely rough. While Next.js does have the ability to let you build a full stack app very quickly, it is also complicated to the point of many failures. Wallet libraries are just having to adapt to that reality and struggle with the rest of us. On the flip side, you can always go back to window.ethereum 😂
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
To be fair, window.ethereum had a much smoother learning curve, when I used it a few years ago.
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Steve pfp
Oh yeah totally. Back in the day you could build the entire wallet workflow from scratch, but then came along multiple chains, appeal of smooth modals, etc. For most people rebuilding that whole flow again sounds tedious (me being one of them haha). Personally love Connect Kit https://docs.family.co/connectkit
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