Varun Srinivasan
Seven hubs fully syncing all 1.08 million messages on mainnet, LFG!
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Hi Varun, what does running a hub require? Is it like running a node? Any info would help, thanks.
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vrypan |--o--|
Is there any incentive (or will there be one) other than contributing to the network health?
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I honestly rather use someone's RPC url than running my own Hub: the data from someone's RPC and from one coming from my own Hub (if I decide to run one) is the same anyways. But that's just one guy's perspective.
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Varun Srinivasan
There are tens of thousands of non-validating / non-mining ethereum and bitcoin nodes for the simple reason that people get value from the data in a node. Farcaster hubs will be no different.
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Think there are two other scenarios: 1. Larger clients will likely want their own dedicated hub to service their apps for optimized perf + availability 2. External providers will likely emerge to provide hub access+ advances apis as a service; similar to alchemy / infura for eth nodes
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Daniel Lombraña
I guess the main problem is having 64TB of space for the nodes. But maybe it is possible to run a "smaller" version.
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