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Anyone want to compare notes on how they write product specs? Feel free to reply with critiques / feedback, or share one of yours. As a solo dev I could yolo features without writing specs, but I find that the deliverable makes me more methodical and thoughtful. So I'm curious how / if others write theirs.
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vrypan |--o--|
I spent five years writing specs. An important aspect of specs is context. It's often thought that a spec stands on its own, but in reality a spec is written for a specific audience (in my case it was our dev team). Once you know your audience, you have to get in their shoes and think what they consider default and where they will need clarifications as they start working. A good spec answers all the questions in advance, and lives out the defaults that don't need clarification (but may be a good idea to mention them). If you have well defined defaults, your life gets much easier. Naming is also an important part, the better things are named and defined before you start, the easier it is to write a spec.
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vrypan |--o--|
Don't leave answers out because "that's trivial". If it's not a default (a standard component, a standard configuration, etc.), include the answer even if it's trivial -you will often see that writing it down reveals things that are not trivial.
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