vmhmmo ".base.eth" pfp
vmhmmo ".base.eth"
🎄🎄Eat Airdrop project AI Hub (Similar to Kaito) 🔥Newly launched AI + Sociasl project similar to Kaito. Not yet announced to call for capital but many big names such as Metamask, Solflare... regularly interact on X. 💵Earn Points through interactions such as liking, retweeting, commenting on Hub posts. The better the comment, the more points. Join early to earn points to receive Airdrop Token HUB. Steps to participate 1/ Link 👉 https://ai.hub.xyz/cult/vmhmmo Fill in Code 👉 2PRC 2/ Link Twitter & Discord 3/ Go to Twitter Feed - Select Train the AI ​​to answer the questions in the Post. ➡️ Click on Train the AI ​​-> Copy the project's question into Chat GPT to ask AI to answer -> wait for it to check the score and it's done
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