Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
@vitalik.eth I would challenge the premise: English is "the BTC of languages" in some ways (mainly: network effect), but not others. I think the best candidate for "the BTC of languages" in spirit and design philosophy is toki pona.
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
A vocabulary so small it can fit onto a single poster. And yet, it's very difficult to use it to actually express non-trivial things.
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maksim β†‘πŸŽ© pfp
maksim β†‘πŸŽ©
that's basically an icon set
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Petra βŠ™ πŸͺΌ pfp
Petra βŠ™ πŸͺΌ
We have seen people using blockchains to tie value and incentives such a DeSci, gaming and consensus (for truthfulness and storage). Could we somehow tie it to the creation of a new language and its adoption?
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Kuntal Singhvi.eth 🎩 pfp
Kuntal Singhvi.eth 🎩
You gotta love how they made a balloon dildo to represent sex πŸ˜…
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