Violet July  pfp

Violet July


189 Following

Violet July  pfp
Violet July
I’ve been walking the middle-gray path for eons, but my soul is fucking exhausted from it. To be able to make any significant spiritual progress from here on out, I’m going to have to either go left or right. The choice has formally been presented to me.
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
I wasn’t prepared to have my Goddess Training final thrown at me today. I’m currently in a rabbit hole of studious preparation for this unexpected test. Excitement, anxiety, fatigue, ambition. Too many contradictory feelings right now. AHH!
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
Oh man. @botornot has thus far bestowed upon me an impeccable reputation… until now. I am now “likely not a bot.” Welp, I guess I found something to desperately seek approval from haha.
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
LMAO I feel slightly called out. I don’t want those to be the ONLY types of casts I see, but they fuel my dangerously curious noggin and are definitely my favorite. Can my ego accept the denial of a “cool” label? Yeah, I guess. I’m more “delightfully eccentric” anyways.
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
That’d be really neat, but hear me out. I think Pictish Swirl is really unique and pleasing to the eye. And extremely underrated. I’d love to see art with those trippy and mysterious characters.
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
I didn’t cast this to a specific channel, because this is directed only towards those who follow me. This question isn’t for external validation, it’s for gaining insight on the impact of the early stages of my vision. So I ask: Do you believe in Violet July? Why or why not?
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
I like you.
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
Thank you so much darling. Thank you for being there for that magical moment. 💜
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
Grateful for @awkquarian.eth. The first person to collect some of my work. For the first time in my life, I made a legitimate profit from my writing. I am so ecstatic about this journey I’m starting. This gives me hope that I have what it takes to survive off of my creativity! Thank you so much, this means the world.
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
I hope it’s not “goodbye” and it is instead “see you soon my dear.”
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
Thank you!! Everything I write is preparing me to write that book. She said I wouldn’t seriously start writing it until I was 26 or 27. Well, I’m 25, and I’m starting to feel ready. :)
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
This is wonderful, thank you for sharing. I’m reminded of Misha, my imaginary best friend who I forgot about until my 21st birthday. I was approached by a woman claiming to be a psychic with an urgent message for me. She said one day I’d write a book about cosmic love that wakes up my generation. Her name? Misha.
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
My love life.
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
Thank you so much! We are both grateful. 💜
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
Thank you so much, darling. 💜
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
I love Paragraph’s little words that describe my work. 💜
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
Thank you for the reminder 💜
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
Thank you for reading. 💜
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
I just published a poem on Paragraph that means a lot to me. It visualizes the dance, union, and co-creation of the God and Goddess told from the perspective of the Divine Feminine.
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
Hi hi, I’m having this same issue!
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