Vinyl Nation pfp

Vinyl Nation


73 Following

Vinyl Nation pfp
Vinyl Nation
A warm Farcaster welcome to @lemonadedao! Let’s jam!
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Vinyl Nation pfp
Vinyl Nation
We got accepted into @thirdweb's startup program! LFGGG ❀️ πŸ”΄ #superchain
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Vinyl Nation pfp
Vinyl Nation
Get #based! πŸ’™πŸ”΅
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Vinyl Nation pfp
Vinyl Nation
Mint Elon's Awakening! #based
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Vinyl Nation pfp
Vinyl Nation
Vinyl Nation Passports Fun fact #1 These are not ERC721 jpgs! They are ERC 20 tokens - vectors drawn on chain. The design is within the 28 KBs of the passport smart contract. What Ordinals protocols built on Bitcoin- this is inscription on @base @optimism!
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Vinyl Nation pfp
Vinyl Nation
Vinyl Nation getting more #based with each passing day!! Thank you @jessepollak! ❀️ the #superchain πŸ”΅ πŸ”΄ πŸš€
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Vinyl Nation pfp
Vinyl Nation
Mint your Vinyl Nation Citizen #Passports on @optimism @base. Customize and update on chain with your @ensdomains! Unlock music, community experiences & rewards!
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Vinyl Nation pfp
Vinyl Nation
Rainbows in the sky Whispers of magic on wind $VYNL to @base Check out our Interchain Token: @axelar-network #interchaintokens #superchain
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Vinyl Nation pfp
Vinyl Nation
We're finally here- getting ready prepared to bring #IRL Vinyl Culture to the #superchain! ❀️ πŸ”΄ πŸ”΅
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Vinyl Nation pfp
Vinyl Nation
Hello, world!
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