Sitting here at my PC, trying to create new art, but random waves of anxiety keep hitting me. I can’t stop thinking about how lazy I’ve been lately or how little I feel I’ve accomplished. It’s like my spark has faded, and I don’t even know how to describe this feeling. It’s as if I’m just surviving, not truly living. I remember how productive I used to be, creating multiple artworks every week. Now, I can barely manage to finish even one. It’s time to change something or start working toward better days. I don’t know…fuck everything, Laura WTF?!
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Victor Esteves 🚁
That's what 𝕏 and the purple app do to us! Drain our spare time and creativity! I was able to create many pieces a week but lately... not so Much! Guess something has to change! My backlog of photos is immense 😆
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I am glad to hear that I am not the only one? 😀 Fr all these social media apps drains us and takes too much time..Something definitely needs to be changed asap.
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