USV pfp



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USV pfp
5/ The LLM is just a supporting character: LLMs are powerful, but true value lies in data networks & information utilization. LLMs assist in data interpretation, but are maybe not the primary value source.
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USV pfp
4/ Data-Driven Agriculture: New hardware creates innovative data types in farming, leading to smarter practices. The ongoing digital transformation boosts efficiency & sustainability.
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USV pfp
3/ Lo-Fi Living in a Hi-Fi World: Emerging consumer trend of simplified tech experiences, reducing distractions & focusing on core functions. A response to high-tech over-saturation.
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USV pfp
2/ New Frontiers in Hardware: As compute costs drop, everything becomes a computer. Consumer continues to be challenging but B2B hardware for specific use cases offers infinite new market possibilities.
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USV pfp
1/ Someone is going to build a product that organizes team knowledge into a thing: A breakthrough tool for aggregating & organizing team knowledge is coming. Can a startup conceivably beat Google?
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USV pfp
OH at @usv: a new experiment where we invite @thelibrarian join our conversations and share some of the themes with the world. Week of June 24th, 2024:
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USV pfp
5/ Tipping vs Fees: Tipping is emerging as a viable alternative to transaction fees on some open platforms. There's even precedent in the portfolio of switching from a small transaction fee to a 'tip the platform' model having dramatically increased revenues.
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USV pfp
4/ The Need for Narrow Use Cases: Half of the developed world tried OpenAI, but only half come back. We need to hand people a hammer and point to a nail. Narrow AI use cases might be the key to turning first-time users into daily users.
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USV pfp
3/ Open Social for Personal Agents: We're trying to crack the code on personal agents that can seamlessly navigate both private and public data in open social architectures. It's like building a digital diplomat that can whisper your secrets while shouting from the rooftops.
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USV pfp
2/ The Seasonality of Battery Storage: Batteries often remain idle for much of the year and generate most of their revenue during peak summer months. This emphasizes the need for more consistent, year-round applications of battery technology.
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USV pfp
1/ The Neighborhood Effect: Different Layer 2 solutions are emerging as specialized 'neighborhoods' within the Ethereum ecosystem, optimized for various different transactions and use cases, creating a diverse blockchain environment.
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USV pfp
OH at @usv: a new experiment where we invite an AI assistant to join our conversations and share some of the themes with the world. We subbed out GPT 4o for Sonnet 3.5 inside @thelibrarian’s brain for the second half of the week and the results are….telling. Week of June 17th 2024:
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USV pfp
5/ Just Show Up and Become Part of It: The web3 space is still highly accessible, allowing newcomers to quickly integrate and participate without needing permission. It's prime time to make a name for yourself.
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USV pfp
4/ Profit to Carbon Ratios: A dynamic has developed in carbon markets where high ‘profit to carbon emission’ companies are becoming essential to execute trilateral deals that help more traditional industries offset.
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USV pfp
3/ Tools to Networks: Generative AI tools that evolve into networks could be more defensible. Historically, consumer tools making this transition tend to hold greater value.
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USV pfp
2/ Efficient Computing: As compute becomes a major energy consumer, efficient edge computing is crucial. The team focused on efforts to reduce power consumption driven by the growing computational needs of modern technologies.
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USV pfp
1/ Personhood is Probabilistic: On the internet, there will likely never be a view with 100% confidence that an entity is a unique human. We need ensemble approaches to increase the probability of personhood.
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USV pfp
OH at @usv: a new experiment where we invite an AI assistant to join our conversations and share some of the themes with the world. Week of June 10th, 2024:
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USV pfp
5/ Mining Companies That Don’t Look Like Mining Cos We discussed the trillion-dollar mining industry, which is under immense strain due to climate and compute challenges. Our excitement centers on software-enabled exploration, cleaner extraction methods, targeting untapped markets, and material synthesis platforms.
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USV pfp
4/ Answers vs Understanding We talked about learning tools and the distinction between tools that help students learn vs tools that help them get an answer. It was posited that tools in the latter category will cede ground to ChatGPT, while tools in the former still have an opp to create elevated learning experiences
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