ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
Variant's first newsletter just dropped with a strong take from @li that web3 social networks with asset-first approaches (building for users' desire for profit) will succeed over ideology-first approaches (building for users' values + ideals): variantnewsletter.com/p/issue-1-thinking-about-web3-social. wdyt?
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unjumble - bookmarks and digests pfp
unjumble - bookmarks and digests
related - opposing take from david phelps (jokedao) https://twitter.com/divine_economy/status/1661856810502873089
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kbc - q/dau pfp
kbc - q/dau
We were talking yesterday about what meaningful user metrics we can give to users. Something along the lines of how much value you provide to a community based on your social embedding
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