Martin T pfp

Martin T


85 Following

Martin T pfp
Martin T
There are over 150 Solana validators running at 0% commission; I have lots of thoughts against this approach but here’s a good example πŸ‘‡ now that priority fees are down back to LT average, that business model is eroded. Have vision - don’t build a business on the current thing.
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Martin T pfp
Martin T
Etherscan acquires Solscan and puts drainer links as ads, was the plan to create a Trojan horse and nuke the ecosystem πŸ€” or are they just trying to destroy their investment
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Martin T pfp
Martin T
It’s done
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Martin T pfp
Martin T
Manlets, assemble!
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Martin T pfp
Martin T
Congrats ! Amazing things to hit the timelines
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Martin T pfp
Martin T
Solana Testnet halted after a feature activation on the Epoch boundary and required a restart. That’s how it’s meant to work πŸ”§ Catch them before they go to Mainnet πŸš€
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Martin T pfp
Martin T
Ethereum Validator vs Solana Validator
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Martin T pfp
Martin T
Gm Gm
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Martin T pfp
Martin T
Building 🀘
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