Tony Chen pfp

Tony Chen


89 Following

Tony Chen pfp
Tony Chen
Excited to explore my future decentralised identity on Phi! Learn all about Phi 2.0 on and mint a free milestone NFT!
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Tony Chen pfp
Tony Chen
Where can i get some $wrap 🤔
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Tony Chen pfp
Tony Chen
Surfing in real world
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Tony Chen pfp
Tony Chen
More than 50% of total transactions in Bitcoin are inscribing inscriptions (not including transfer inscriptions yet). So crazy! What are they inscribing? 🤣 #Ordinals #BRC20
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Tony Chen pfp
Tony Chen
Besides hamburger and fried chicken, what other featured food does KFC offer in your country?
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Tony Chen pfp
Tony Chen
Is there a roadmap for the progress of Farcaster?
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Tony Chen pfp
Tony Chen
Finally, I’m here! Hello Farcaster!
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