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abram pfp
here's a 4 min demo of this product in action. crosschain multisigs using passkeys as signers. still a few more things to do before wider release but we're getting close.
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TMO 👉  RWAxPGF pfp
looks awesome - we would love to test and help you iterate. We have some gitcoin grants going live and need to manage the funds as a group. a few ?'s 1- will it be able to manage 721 and 1155's? 2- assuming yes, what about group management of a 6551 TBA? 3- what screen recorder did you use? looks real nice.
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abram pfp
1. yes, eventually, but it's currently not part of the descoped mvp 2. yes? contract can execute arbitrary calls (once signer threshold is met) so should "just work" (famous last words) 3. - thank you! it's a great product
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