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tiptok.base.eth pfp
Hey Degens🎩 Ever wondered why it’s called TipTok? Check it out below👇 Support our ITO and help us take the Degen community to the next level with an even smoother tipping experience! 🚀 https://warpcast.com/degenpad/0xd6e79d13
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
1️⃣ Currently, the allowance is being set every day at UTC 02:06. 2️⃣ Additionally, due to ongoing work by the Degen team since February 3rd, tip information is being delayed in getting recorded onchain. We will provide an update once the Degen team completes their work.
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
Finally, free from sync issues! This is going to be a huge improvement in user experience.
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
🚀 Update in Progress! We're currently updating for Season 13! Stay tuned and please wait a moment.
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
New update: Now you can filter tip validity!
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
You can now distinguish between valid and invalid tips in the txlist. We’re updating the system in preparation for the new season👨‍🍳
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
Set is complete! Enjoy tipping. Hat stays on🎩
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
GM degens. The allowance hasn’t been set by the Degen team yet, so it will be marked as invalid until it’s set. The Degen team is currently reviewing it, so please bear with us for a little while.
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
TikTok is back. https://www.wsj.com/tech/tiktok-goes-dark-for-u-s-users-while-trump-signals-he-will-save-it-0370b227?mod=hp_lead_pos1
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
Your tips tell a story, check it out on https://tipexplorer.lum0x.com/ How to use Tip Explorer? Here below 👇
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
🧐 Still not sure how to use Tip Explorer? Check out our frame to find out how, and feel free to shoot us any questions if you need any help! https://frames.neynar.com/f/6bb984a5/f7b17d55
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
Why TipTok❓️ 😁 Inspired by a playful nod to 'TikTok,' TipTok combines the vibrant energy of short video content with the convenience and transparency of onchain tipping. 💪TipTok aim to turn tipping into more than just convenience—it’s fun, engaging, and effortless. Check and share tip information with just a few clicks!
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
@rish We’ve noticed that usage hasn’t been visible for about 4 hours, and upon checking the error logs, the following error has been detected: [error details] https://dev.neynar.com/api/datadog-usage-metric
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
皆さま、こんにちは。🎩 受け取られたDegen Tipが本当に有効かどうか気になったことはございませんか? これからは、$Degen Tipがすべてオンチェーンで記録されておりますので、私たちのDegen Tip Explorer(tipexplorer.lum0x.com)を使って簡単にご確認いただけます。 🔍 username、fid、casthash、castUrlで検索するだけで、すぐに結果をご覧いただけます。 12月20日からベータ版を公開しておりますが、ご利用いただいたご感想はいかがでしょうか?皆さまからの貴重なフィードバックを心よりお待ちしております。 ご利用中に何かご不明な点や問題がございましたら、どうぞお気軽に**/tiptok**にご投稿いただくか、どこでも私にメンションいただければ幸いです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Hat Stays On🎩
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
안녕 한국 친구들! 받은 Degen Tips이 진짜 유효한지 궁금해? Degen Tip이 이제 모두 온체인으로 기록되니까 우리 Degen Tip Explorer(tipexplorer.lum0x.com)에서 쉽게 확인할 수 있어! 🔍 username, fid, casthash, castUrl로 검색하고 바로 확인해봐. 12월 20일부터 베타 런칭했는데, 어땠어? 친구들의 소중한 피드백을 들으면 정말 좋겠어! $Degen Tip Explorer를 사용하는 동안 문제가 있거나 궁금한 점이 있으면 /tiptok에 글을 남기거나, 언제든 나를 태그해줘 🙏 우리 @tiptok-bot 이 친구들의 tip cast에 onchain으로 처리된 결과 링크를 달아줄거야. 얘도 문제가 있으면 나를 태그해줘 🙏
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
Happy New Year Degens 🥳 Since Dec 20, over 7.1K USERS checked out their tips!🚀 We’re THRILLED to offer a platform for easy access to HARD-TO-FIND info! THANK YOU for your support! More improvements COMING in 2025. 👇 /tiptok ECO ITO Subscription @degenpad👇 https://warpcast.com/degenpad/0xd6e79d13
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
CLAIM NOW https://www.degen.tips/airdrop2/current/claim
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tiptok.base.eth pfp
¡Hola Degens Españoles! 🎩 ¿Tienes curiosidad por saber si los Degen Tips que recibiste son realmente válidos? Ahora todo está registrado onchain y puedes verificarlo fácilmente en nuestro explorer. ¡Además, tenemos actualizaciones emocionantes para ti! 🔍Hemos mejorado la búsqueda: ahora puedes buscar por nombre de usuario, fid, casthash y castUrl. ¿Cómo ha sido tu experiencia durante el período beta? ¡Nos encantaría escuchar tus comentarios! Si tienes algún problema o duda mientras usas $Degen Tip Explorer, no dudes en dejar un mensaje en /tiptok o mencionarme en cualquier lugar.
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